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Free Events


Planetary Encodement Activation

Planetary Encodement Activation sessions allow you to discover tools to drive your attention deeper within, centering you in a world that often drives your attention outwards.

This activation offers encodements to yourself AND your community simultaneously.

Rae Ellen is our facilitator and tour guide through the internal and external solar systems.



Group Energy Clearing

In these tracking clinics, we will tune into various frequencies as a group and explore the datasets we receive. Our intention is to practice and advance our energy tracking skills, learn from each other's data sets and clear out energies through a collective experience. 

Join Stacy Hernandez, a Multidimensional Energy Tracker, Intuitive, Spiritual Mentor & Facilitator who works 1:1 with clients and teaches energy tracking at Lightbody Academy. 



Forest Wisdom Circle

The Forest Wisdom Circle (held once a month for 60 min) is for starseeds and intuitives who are having communications with our forest friends, (Elemental and/or Sasquatch) and for those who would like to begin to have those communications. The goal of this group is to to introduce  ambassadors from these realms, explore what that could entail, and share experiences and concerns as we progress in our connections with them... together.


Online Trainings and Subscriptions


Lightbody Essentials: Core Curriculum

This introduction to Lightbody Academy's work is for you if you're ready to step up and take charge of your reality, to be more fully "in sync" with your intuition, advance your abilities beyond your previous beliefs, and dive into the unknown with trust and a sense of adventure...

$99/month until cancelled


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Dreamtime Healing Project Subscription

The Dreamtime Healing Project is for you if any of this sounds like you:

âś” You have been on a spiritual journey for quite some time, you are stuck feeling unsure of your role in helping humanity

✔ You can sense your limitations when faced with uncertainty, don’t know where to turn

âś” You are ready for a quantum leap in your spiritual evolution

$175/month until cancelled


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13 months of in-depth online training

Enrollment is on pause


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6-Month Deep Dive

Not open for enrolment

Private Consults


Christina Schwind

Quantum light body work and essence retrieval via remote.
Access link is sent to you via confirmation and reminder emails. Recording is available upon request. Sessions are usually 45 min - 60 min in duration.



Stacy Hernandez

Stacy focuses on bridging everyday life with the multidimensional world. Her tracking abilities allow her to dive into deeper levels and bring awareness to the emotional and spiritual aspects of ourselves.



Rae Ellen Sievert

60 minute esoteric astrology consults are done via zoom link.  Find out about what kinds of adventures your soul is calling to you to with a esoteric astrology reading.  



Laurel Leaman

As a human/elemental ambassador I introduce humans to the unseen realms where they can source healing, gain insights and remember their interconnectedness with nature, the elemental world and beyond. $155.00



Callie Kellem

Callie is a practitioner and facilitator at Lightbody specializing in animal-human communication to resolve everything from behavioral problems to health issues.  We also open up the floor for both animal and human to ask and answer each other's questions.  $155.00



Book Recommendations

Disclosure: We only endorse things we highly recommend. If you purchase anything we mention using affiliate links, we may get a  small commission. There is no extra cost to you.


Summer with the Leprechauns: the authorized edition

An astonishing true story about one woman’s journey to Ireland where she lived in a cottage with leprechauns. 



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The Art of Dreaming Paperback

Bestselling author Carlos Castaneda introduces readers to the worlds that exist within their dreams.



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The Alchemy of Nine Dimensions: The 2011/2012 Prophecies and Nine Dimensions of Consciousness

This revised and expanded edition of Barbara and Gerry Clow's classic 2004 text. This sequel to the bestselling underground classic The Pleiadian Agenda, outlines their theory of the nine dimensions of human consciousness.


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The Real World of Fairies: A First-Person Account

The Real World of Fairies is a privileged glimpse into a joyous, animated universe. Dora's enchanting vision of her encounters with the fairy realm delights the child in us, while it excites our grown-up imagination, rekindles our creative energy, and deepens our sense of connection with nature.


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I Am Starseed: Initiating the Starseed Mission on Earth

I Am Starseed is an autobiographical journey of Xi Earthstar Healer's first 7 years awakening as an Angelic Starseed on Earth. Through the telling of her story, she brings the reader through adventures which taught her about multidimensionality, astral and collective consciousness gridwork, psychic healing and the Starseed Mission on Earth.


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A Sasquatch Story: My Life With the Clan of Arrrie

In 2012 Brian got a telepathic call to go to the mountains. This was the beginning of a ten plus year teacher/student relationship with the enigma called sasquatch. Follow his incredible journey with these master teachers in the pages of this book.


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The Magician's Way

Mark Vale is besieged by financial and marital turmoil when he meets a group of contemporary alchemists. They take him on an astonishing journey and teach him to transform difficult situations into golden opportunities.

Mark learns from wonderfully unlikely characters, from a billionaire to a beautiful topless waitress, and manifests an enormous financial windfall. But can his material success hold his family together? Mark embarks on the ultimate quest to understand how our values influence events.


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The Future is Yours

Raymon Grace, mountain man, dowser, healer, and font of folk wisdom, has written a book filled with down-home stories of what happens when real people use their personal power to heal themselves and take charge of their lives. Included here are stories of spontaneous healings, space clearing, the amazing powers of the pendulum, dowsing, energy raising, exorcism, and tapping into the power of spirit guides. Grace inspires readers to imagine the seemingly impossible, to harness the power of the mind, and to open themselves to a world of endless possibilities.


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Sand Talk


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The Hidden Messages in Water

This book has the potential to profoundly transform your world view. Using high-speed photography, Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns.


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Medicine Dream

The Tzolkin, the Mayan prophetic calendar, points to this age as one of great change and transformation. Beginning in the last Katun-twenty-year cycle-the Earth Mother will withdraw her life force energy to facilitate the transition to a new world, the Sixth Sun of Pure Consciousness, that dawns in the year 2012. It is said that during this period many people will begin to remember their divine evolutionary process; the wisdom of the ages will pour out of them to build a bridge to the new world. 


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Plant Spirit Medicine

Since its first printing in 1995, Plant Spirit Medicine has passed hand-to-hand among countless readers drawn to indigenous spirituality and all things alive and green. In this updated edition, Eliot Cowan invites us to discover the healing power of plants―not merely their physical medicinal properties, but the deeper wisdom and gifts that they offer.


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Spirit Hacking

In Spirit Hacking: Shamanic Keys to Reclaim Your Personal Power, Transform Yourself, and Light Up the World, Shaman Durek, a sixth-generation shaman, shares life altering shamanic keys allowing you to tap into your personal power. Through new information you will banish fear and darkness from your life in favor of light, positivity, and strength.


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Secrets of Dragon Magic, Sacred Fires of Hadji-Ka

From the Sacred Records of the Hadji-ka, kept by the dragons of Avondar, the secrets of Kundalini are revealed, designed to restore the innate, natural magical abilities of man lost by the separation of the spinal column and the pranic tube. The reader is swept along on a profound and mystical journey that pushes perception beyond mortal boundaries. Almine's infallible ability to empower her reading audience is clearly felt throughout the pages of this book.


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Book Reviews


Summer with the Leprechauns: Laurel's review

"An astonishing true story about one woman's Journey to Ireland where she lived in a cottage with Leprechauns. These seldom seen beings taught her about the evolution of elementals-the race to which elves, faeries and leprechauns belong. Together they explain the importance of humans and elementals working together to better both of their races and the earth. Lists of both what elementals require from humans and what humans require from elementals are included. This is a key book to understanding the role of multi-dimensionals in their emerging relationships with elemental beings. One of the points made for humans is that they need evidence because we generally live in a world of "seeing is believing". Many elementals are stepping up to this challenge today and are willing to give evidence that before was unaccessible. A must read!!"


The Real World of Fairies: Laurel's review

"The veil between the elemental world and our everyday waking world is far less definite and much thinner than it would appear, and as our personal consciousness continues to evolve, our own experience of what is on the other side does as well. While written some time ago (1977), this book contains gold for those looking to get a glimpse of this world through the eyes of one who "sees".
Dora Van Gelder was born to parents who were psychic intuitives themselves. She developed her own skills under the tutelage of the famous occultist C.W Leadbetter. She describes in detail throughout the book, the nature spirits and fairies that reside literally everywhere around us. Because I found that her experiences often parallel or underline those of my own, I would highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to get a first hand glimpse into the mostly unseen world of faerie."


I am Starseed: Rae's review

"Xi Earthstar takes us on an autobiographical journey of awakening to our multidimensional Self, and our Starseed mission on earth. She was born XiangMing (roughly translated to mean Fragrant Medical Tea) in north-East China in 1994. The Earth, Sun and the Sirius star system were in perfect heliocentric alignment. Having an average, middle class, atheist religiously neutral family, at 5 years of age she was writing Taoist poetry and seeing visions of  the False Matrix. Moving to Ontario, Canada when 9  spiraled her into the False Matrix leading to severe depression and severe eating disorders and dwindled the spark within. She states that many starseeds get lost in Dark , experiencing the loss of our creativity and magic, very much as our human race did. Through this it gifted her with a deep compassion and infinite motivation to find a cure.  Telling her story  brings the reader many adventures teaching about multidimensionality, astral and consciousness gridwork, psychic healing and the Starseed mission on Earth. "  


The Future is Yours: Gina's review

Have used (and adapted), Raymon's techniques for over 8 years now. Easy to teach, easy to use, incredible outcomes to uplift and shift spaces, energy, pet health, whole cities/schools/airports/hospitals/ nursing homes... (not from saviour perspective unless that is something you want to do.)


Magician's Way: Gina's review

 Life changing concepts and how-tos for everyday dreaming and unfolding your reality, for the practiced and the newbie. Very easy to read. 


Plant Spirit Medicine: Gina's review

Based on Elliot's teachings/experiences - I have established a beautiful and supportive relationship with Pansy consciousness who introduces (or links) me to other plant Beings for learnings.. (still unfolding... )


Spirit Hacking: Gina's review

Not for everyone, but very practical how to grow yourself... and work in dreamtime, whilst you are awake.... as well as shift your own realities... still learning here...


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