80. Reclaiming All Phases of Our Soul's Journey to Avoid Inception on all Levels

2:04 Reference to death rites and the past workshop event for the Lightbody community; reference to Christina’s experience with live blood analysis program; how the abstract and live blood analysis connect

10:45 infiltration and inception from millions of years ago; the purpose of experience in this reality; quick recap of Earth’s history and the narrative of when inception could have started

14:30 there are older narrative and deeper wisdom; reference to Sasquatch and author Sunbow; dreamtime and consciousness work; Sasquatch and much older narratives that goes back millions of years; Sasquatch and Ant people have information from millions of years that we can integrate and bring forward

18:12 DNA from other species from history; reference to ‘empire’ and ‘dna’- dna  & consciousness manipulation; it’s not just about beings serving other beings but transferring life force energy to non corporeal beings; in order to action in this reality, you need a biosuit- that’s why beings take control of humans to do their bidding; reference to akashic records (agreements, contracts, etc) that shapes our here and now; how beings use that to their advantage

23:48 empire commodifying life force energy and how we give them power- including birthing and dying process and everything in between; reference to life, death workshop- now is the time to reclaim dying process, afterlife so we don’t get into the reincarnatonal loop again; navigating afterlife so you can keep the memories in between lifetimes

27:15 Buddhist teachings - reference to dying with zero karma; more about the bardos (it’s like a maze of scenes between life and afterlife)- it’s suggested to not engage while in the bardos; reference to near death experience- a different dimension that can be liberating; what ancestors showed through consciously dying, going through death rites, we are given the opportunity to pass life reviews, bardos and go right to source; by reclaiming dying process, we reclaim our connection to Source and keep our cosmic memories intact in our consciousness; sacred birth and conception; the awakening process is far beyond what we think

35:50 Reference to City of Lights question;  the importance of community holding a collective field in place for a divine act to happen; reference to the Buddhist Siddhartha

42:10 we need to nurture our authenticity, the truth of who we are through connection; what we focus on becomes bigger; an example of tracking in hunting and how it relates to energy; millions of people focusing on a narrative anchors it to the collective field and live it in their reality

47:30 how powerful the collective field is- how powerful a consensual agreement is; Christina’s account of working with fire ceremonies- reference to taming the flames; collective can change the nature of things; what we collectively agree upon becomes so

52:02 the proper alignment to hijack our reality is not in place so they do it artificially- what the va%$x was about; with so many people believing pieces of that narrative, it shows in the body; consenting to power over dynamic game; the people awake to this are holding the collective field to prevent full inception

54:50 reference to dreamtime healing project; malleability of reality; reclaim your capacity to focus


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