73. Grandmother Spider Consciousness

2:57 Triggering narratives; how you be matters most

4:52 Interdimensional AI and quality of consciousness (TI and sentience); AI is programmed, its not intended to self realize, TI is self realized and sentient

8:57 reference to Grandmother Spider and consciousness woven; sacredness of their weaving; reference to Mestanas and concept of weaving a child into this world and the consciousness grid of the sacred mother; reference to mitochondria (powerhouse of our cells) and the connection to Insectoid consciousness

21:04 reference to nervous system, lymphatic issues leading to chronic issues; Christina’s experience with health concerns and rife frequencies

29:12 more about agreements within species of galactic fed; the need for us to be sovereign when it comes to relating to interdimensional beings; build your own energy field for you, not for anyone else; sovereignty is having control over how you be and being in the truth of who you are

39:22 reference to dragon consciousness, dragon knowledge and what it means; reference to Almine and her books; Starseeds and connection to dragon knowledge and new inventions coming online

45:56 overlays lining up for dragon wisdom; consensus reality; reference to the phrase ‘law of …’ and the concept that its concrete and consensus with various dimensions; reference to the idea of ancient lore and cosmic truth

53:04 fire ceremony as an example of consensus agreement; when we resonate with the cosmic truth of who we are, we enhance grids   

57:12 Telluric realm has a direct connection with emotional states of being; reference to Masaru Emoto and his work with water; different types of water in the Earth and how it can deprive; as we become more activated, its encouraged to practice inner love and inner smiles; as you practice this, you do not get triggered by narratives

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