63. The state of Authenticity is the highest frequency you can embody

2:04 having strong views about a particular topic; having a conversation- what to do to stay centered; its more important to stay in your authentic truth than to always be in agreement with the other person; having true authentic relationship

7:13 current energy update; time for slowing down and introspection; about Solstice; importance of authenticity during this time; family unit in Western world vs Central America

13:30 the more committed to your authenticity, the more you’re likely to stay tuned into yourself; reference to ‘the medicine is in the poison’; as more narratives build up, you can stay in your values; reference to evil (acts against life) being showed as a good thing (reversal program that is rooted in consciousness of humanity); the deeper the poison, the harder it is to find the medicine in it

16:55 reference to a post to illustrate how wrong new age spiritual practices have gone; importance of cultivating inner truth compass; reversal programs getting into mainstream

21:30 reference to Elon Musk and a reversal program; examples of reversal narratives - saying your doing good while you’re doing harm; reference to war narratives and reversals

26:54 reversals in climate change narrative; about the medical practices reversal narratives

32:00 reversal programs unravelling can be done by starseeds; what we can do to unravel them- cultivating the capacity for authenticity; reference to testing frequencies of emotions/states of being- highest frequency state of being is authenticity; authenticity allows you to hold space- its transmuting without words

37:28 reference to Toltec master Almine and about ‘love’ not being the highest frequency and the highest intent being INFINITE MOVEMENT; more about authenticity and creating harmony

44:03 importance of taking action on the voice of your spirit; end things that you loathe doing (eg giving your life force to a job you hate, to a toxic relationship etc; Christina’s reference to herself and paying attention to things ‘less than love’        

52:24 Surround yourself with people who are truthful to you; teaching impeccability and authenticity through your own example; the more authentic you are, the more potent your work will be; more about the hypocrisy in the spiritual industry

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