52. Truth frequencies & maintaining upgrades

1:43 polarities of reality shifting and bringing to light other layers; reality no longer solid

5:55 Christina’s experience with requests, relating to blocks; our foundations with relationships are changing (value system, how we engage); power of speaking truth- it’s the backbone of navigating with grace and ease

10:45 vortex of masculine energies; evolution in the consciousness of feminine & masculine qualities; the struggle in relationships over these qualities; false collective realities of feminine and masculine and how it relates to physical places

16:23 inside game but the external reality is important take note of; liberation from false reality; frequency of truth; not speaking truth creates a block in flow; the importance of being in the truth; there are phases to the truths

21:14 first, know thyself; second, how do you relate to your outer world with this truth; people relocating to places that are closer in alignment to their truth; magnetism is like a force of nature; not aligning to truth leads to scenarios of chaos; we get magnetized to places that show us more of who we authentically are and settle in to our authentic nature more

26:22 Christina’s observations in Tulum, Mexico; feminine role of visionaries; a new system that values production created out of inspiration

33:15 dance between masculine and feminine force; the importance of conscious community to nudge truths in others

34:41 Starseeds getting unlevelled/upgrades- habits need to change to support  that level of frequency; the biosuit gets stressed when habits are not in coherence with an elevated frequency; toxic/unhealthy habits or lifestyle cannot continue when you go through ‘up levelling’; Christina’s experience with changing during upgrades; the role isolation & connection plays

42:26 the power of conscious communities in standing in truth as a group; similar value systems make it easier to maintain that life as well as upgrade one another; humanity being care-takers of Pachamama and to have an impact on a whole; it’s our job to decode overlays and bring truths out

54:51 Christina’s recollection of Sasquatch events; about Sasquatch; how these events change you


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