51. The role ‘Rhythms’ play in our reality and our liberation or disempowerment

3:18 Next level leaders cycle is coming up (the rise of the new leaders); how leaders will be called on a soul level; example of being catapulted into leadership as a wayshower; the false leadership get noticed with the difference in energetic imprints between authentic leaders; the matrix program of ‘hating’ is a division intention and will not be aligned with wayshower leadership

17:25 Wayshowers that claim a role of leadership, the bar of responsibility is high; cannot buy into the matrix program of division in any way; unification is the priority/impact in wayshowership leadership, light workers’ purpose

22:55 Agreement with spirit- when you are called, you will answer unconditionally; when you call on spirit/guidance, you will also be answered; you will become an allied force with nature, Pachamama, elementals etc for empowerment agreements

25:02 Being aware of enslavement programs and authority; calling of the undomesticated feminine force in everyone

27:54 About the feminine force; The false definition of success

30:45 Time & rhythms; grandmothers of star lineages of this realm; music & rhythms role in humanity; ie. some drumbeats can help connect us

33:00 Technology and it’s role with helping humanity; cultivating strong rhythms; being aware of how our rhythms have been incepted; Movie reference- Serpent and the Rainbow

38:13 More about rhythms; story on moon inceptions & moon ceremonies; false rhythms & systems inception; a major false rhythm is ‘time’ ; the Gregorian calendar is a skewed system/rhythm allows for more inceptions and hijackings; Western astrology also skewed

47:15 Blue moon (2 full moons within 1 month); liberating womb space etc from false rhythms so we can be in our power with the undomesticated feminine force; false rhythm of the blue moon and our ego-drivers

51:45 Distortions within inner nesting dolls; decoding those frequencies

53:13 how to bypass false rhythms by tracking lunar cycles; lunar cycles inform us more than Gregorian; alternate ways of tracking time; reclaiming sovereignty; sourcing through Cosmic rhythms; Rumi- “It’s not those who speak the same language that understand each other, it’s those that understand the same feeling”

59:44 More on Blue moon, black moon, dark moon

1:01:38 Quicker way to step out of matrix programming false rhythms

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