42. Cycles vs Loops | Inner Circle Magic vs Outer Circle Magic | Inner Truths vs Pain

1:57 Miracles for those walking their truths; cosmic frequencies update

7:00 Being aware of the origins of our personal stories so we can move it through; moving through pains & suffering; underworld entities coming to our realm- what that means for us and how we can experience without being a part of certain emotions; the importance of being present with the pains

11:25 Meaning of Pachamama; what’s it represents; how to tell what your inner truth is; second half of the year focuses on things that were hidden

16:28 we are integrating what was hidden and now in our face- can be difficult and painful; stay in compassion and forgiveness (can liberate yourself, your ancestors, galaxies, elementals etc); Christina’s experience with heartbreak & bitterness

22:15 Christina’s offer of forgiveness practice; about the practice & the origins; inner circle magic vs outer circle magic

26:44 Outer circle magic is falling unless it is used for liberation; for those using OCM for battle, control, greed, it is a path to ruin; choosing truth and being in harmony with it will liberate you

29:50 There is a noble dark force that can influence you if you choose to walk outside of your truths; you make the choice; It is an amazing time to choose; holding space for those that aren’t ready to choose

33:11 Mental, mind loops, time loops vs cycle; being pulled out of linear time; our creativity is limited by linearity; how to get out of the loops (going through cycles) 39:34 Sensory deprivation- how to tell if you’re stuck in mental loop vs infinite nature; how to get more in infinite nature mode; can decode with inner circle magic in that state

44:50 Being in loop gives a feeling of stuck, trapped, etc; collective example is the global warming narrative - false narrative; true leadership can help with getting out of false narratives and loops

49:51 Forgiveness is a superpower we can give ourselves; living in ‘cycles’; inhale vs exhalation cycles; assisting vs saving (disempowering to others); what does doing our part mean; the power of inner circle magic

58:51 Protection to those doing inner circle magic; Christina’s experience with psychic attack and how she addressed it; don’t let anyone or anything keep you from your presence (no matter how difficult); why community is important in this

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