41. The connection between our mitochondria and our stellar biosuit

2:13 Nesting doll overlays of our consciousness connected to distorted diving masculine; story of Poseidon and his influence

6:20 False constructs; Obligating life force energy to feed this reality; particles that don’t want to be in this matrix; Pachamama realm held in place by us imbuing our biosuits; experiences allow us to grow and expand

11:20 Nesting dolls shifting impacting our reality; our biosuit is changing, our DNA dance and its capacity for quantum; we can liberate our DNA dance more and transform our reality (ascension)

13:50 Our quantum levels; overlays on top of our purpose; our experiences during amnesia; our bio suits have the capacity to create, change etc

16:07 Secret to immortality held by the gateway of Sacred Scarab; our biosuit have several DNAs from different species, from different parts of the galaxy etc.

18:20 Insectoid DNA- our mitochondria is mapped after; mitochondria is fed by the atomic expression of love; every cell/mitochondria produces energy- it can potentially radiate more light than the Sun (we are a star, a stellar event); we stay solid because of our commitment to dense energy

24:42 feeling stuck in a matrix where we have to give life force energy; on some level, we agree to experiencing amnesia; as we let go of that and forgive we liberate ourselves and other beings

28:25 Women programmed to sacrifice, holding space; Christina’s story; importance of being in truth

33:55 We face how are we going to allow ourselves to shine and be our true selves

37:14 How to activate the mitochondria (energetic level and physiological level), need to address ancestral healing

44:47 The galaxy we see on a nights sky, exists within us; tuning into dragon cosmic forces; when we allow space within us, the layers of us, spiritual gifts, sacred knowing etc will activate; the freer we become

55:39 Ways to multidimensionality- what is the first available step; Christina’s story of being in a place of addiction to conscious living; choosing differently step by step

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