40. Being present through intense emotions & experiences

2:25 Why starseeds, wayshowers, light workers etc are needed right now

3:55 Stories- that define us, our relationships, our values & beliefs; the falsehood behind the story of ‘we won’t go through a hard time if we do good’; what you can do to get past overlay stories and be free of shame, guilt, blame etc

8:56 true power, being present with intense emotions eg heartbreak; Christina’s self journey with the root of suffering in the underworld- the role of blame

16:13 when we can have intense experiences and still love, we can forgive ourselves and see the purpose of liberation; all the simultaneous intense energies are illuminating what has locked us down in blame & suffering; the importance of forgiveness right now

20:05 heartbreak is prominent right now- it’s in the way of us being our true self; wayshowers can help others going through the heartbreak journey

26:41 ‘Feeling bad’ can have an illuminating and strengthening effect on us when we can be present in it and allow it to move through

35:17 Processing grief; how the masculine is going through it

44:23 How to drop into the feelings where there’s resistance; tuning into your rhythms (ie breath, heartbeat)- what does that mean

50:12 What real power is; Christina’s story on power over dynamic; true power means shadow work (power over others); there’s many multidimensional layers; how to counteract dark forces; being in right relationship with the truth

1:01:44 Staying present moving forward; Moving in unity to who we really are

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