Callie Kellem

Callie is a practitioner and facilitator at Lightbody specializing in animal-human communication to resolve everything from behavioral problems to health issues.  We also open up the floor for both animal and human to ask and answer each other's questions. 

She has a unique approach to connecting with pets and other animals of all kinds even if they are now in spirit.

Callie puts an emphasis on opening up better communication and connection between animals and their humans to create a more intentional and harmonious relationship.

She offers assistance to interested pet owners who would like to hone their own abilities to more deeply understand their pets. She also offers communication with herds of horses and livestock, wildlife and even eco systems. 

Callie has consulted on many cases of missing pets with successful recoveries!

Callie grew up in Montana with horses, livestock and a wide variety of pets.  She discovered from an early age that she has a special rapport with animals that creates a natural space of calm and trust for them.  She has lived and traveled through many countries learning from and working with highly skilled horsemen and women.  During her time living in Germany, she learned about animal communication by experiencing it first hand through a shaman who worked with sport horses and riders to deepen their connection and performance. 

For her, that experience opened up a realization of much deeper levels of kinship with the animal kingdom.  She started on the path to her own practice, with both humans and animals, in the early 2000’s by identifying and releasing trapped emotions and imbalances in the body.

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