Debunking Imposter Syndrome with Wayshowership
Sep 04, 2022
Lunchtime Chats episode 86 Recap
♥ Elementals
♥ Imposter syndrome
8:10 Wayshower-ship (pioneering)- what it means; re-invention; the importance of being your true self to bring in the new paradigm; examples of new creations from wayshowers; creating new demands
14:50 Deeper level of wayshowership- the different ways of living as a multidimensional; core truths have unique expressions for everyone; there may be overlaps but perspectives on similar topics will be unique to the person; its important to bring ancient truths in the collective & integrate it as open source code for everyone to see
24:38 The activation from teachings come easily for Starseeds; It’s important for starseeds to share that with their expressions and truths
29:05 Activations/transmissions; our biosuits are tuned in to galactic energies; with the electromagnetic reversals, it influences our biosuit & consciousness
37:05 Because of the reversals, we are having more uploads/downloads to certain truths, those that speak of that first does not own that knowledge. Galactic knowledge isn’t about who says it first, therefore no one else can talk about it. It’s for everyone. Everyone integrating these knowledge pieces authentically will lead to their own personal healing stories, that is their own expression, it is not imposter syndrome. It is encouraged to be passed on
45:17 Balance of masculine/feminine archetypes; how this applies to going into areas of mystery and coming out with teachings; feminine activates & masculine anchors; how to tell if this knowledge is authentic
52:20 Connecting with the elementals; the biggest blocks to connecting; maintaining sovereign relationships with elementals; ancestry healing closes energy drains and leaves more energy to elemental connections; taking accountability for subtlety, softness, gentle energies/emotions to connect
1:08:52 Respect; agreement between the fae realm and human realm; humans started to disrespect the accord; that breach needs healing; behaving impeccably with elementals
Debunking Imposter Syndrome with Wayshowership
Are you enthusiastic about sharing your spiritual knowings with others but are called out as an imposter for speaking about concepts that are already shared or taught about? Do you second guess yourself because you may think you have nothing original to contribute? How can you teach or share wisdom & knowledge with authenticity even if the topic has been taught already?
Galactic knowledge is not something that can be 'owned' or become intellectual property. It is to be shared NOT only by the ones who first articulated it, but by anyone who has an authentic experience.
Wayshowership is crucial to the creation of new paradigm principles. That requires Wayshowers, Starseeds etc to have the courage to be their authentic true selves and to allow your true self to bring in new ideas & expressions.
What is Wayshowership?
Consider that some individuals (for description-sakes, let's call it Starseeds, Indigos, Intuitives, Lightworkers etc) have biosuits that are heavily encoded & carry frequencies that enable activations that occur with ease. These activations are quickly integrated therefore change comes easily for these individuals. Sourcing from galactic or cosmic levels also come easily. Due to that process, these individuals are pioneers in certain ways of being & living; from pioneering new ways of parenting, healing, making music, art, companies etc. Their expressions, by default, are unique and different from what's been done in the past or what is commonly accepted as normal. In the new paradigm, everything can be re-invented simply by being the truths of who we are.
As new ideas are brought into the world, eventually demand for those services, products, etc will lead to a change in how society operates. For eg, veganism in the 70s was nowhere near as common as it is now. That is just one example of a life-changing movement that was birthed through the contributions of many individuals. Other examples that are paving their way are companies that prioritize social impact or sustainability, or new ways of holistic healing, new ways of alternative education.
That is why it important to step into how we truly want to live, how we truly are; we can create demands for someone to accommodate those needs or we create the solution.
Deeper levels of Wayshowership
Living as a multidimensional human is the essence of this. There are different ways of living in this way and different strengths that individuals gravitate towards. Everyone will have their own flavor to their core truth despite it overlapping with others. What sets individuals apart is how they express it, how they perceive or integrate their core truths.
Especially with the galactic reversal that has been occurring, wisdom from the nesting dolls are being released to the collective. Those in tune with those frequencies are able to extract that knowledge and articulate & integrate it in their own way. Just because someone was the first to voice that experience does not deem them the owner of it. Anyone integrating these knowledge pieces authentically will lead to their own personal healing stories; that is their own expression, it is not imposter syndrome.
Being an imposter is not possible as long as you are being authentic about your experiences with it. Extrapolating your core truth in your own unique way EVEN THOUGH those truths are commonly talked about DOES NOT make you an imposter. In fact, it is important for these experiences to be shared as open source code for everyone to see & hear.
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