What are Starseed Time Capsules and How to Unlock Them | Life Purpose

starseeds Feb 22, 2024

 What are Starseed Time Capsules? At its core, a time capsule serves as a vessel encapsulating artifacts that reflect the essence of a particular era or moment in time. Imagine your life as a treasure hunt, with hidden gems waiting to be discovered along the way. That's the vibe of Star Seed Time Capsules – they're like personalized time capsules filled with cosmic goodies just for you. You know, those old-school time capsules buried in the ground? Well, these are like the upgraded, metaphysical nuggets be it light encodements, spiritual gifts and other repositories of encoded wisdom.

So, instead of digging up old toys and cassette tapes, you're unlocking layers of cosmic knowledge and infinite potentiality as you journey through life. It's all about peeling back the layers of conditioning, getting rid of the stuff that isn't really you, and embracing your true self. Think of it as a deep dive into your own soul, with each milestone you hit bringing you closer to your most authentic, empowered self. And as you do the inner work, you're not just leveling up for yourself – you're also contributing to a bigger picture of collective awakening, passing down the good vibes for future generations to soak up. Ultimately, the journey of unlocking our Star Seed Time Capsules is not just a personal odyssey but a sacred commitment to co-creating beauty in life across time and space.  

Learn the 5 main keys to unlocking your own Starseed Time Capsule in the full episode below! 


Lunchtime Chats episode 161

2:54 Starseed time capsules and what that means; what is a time capsule in general; pieces that are seeded inside us that are time coded to be open in a certain timeline; about reaching milestone and capsules of encodements get activated

8:36 timelines collapsing & life force consolidating and how we be; as we learn about who we are and able to live in a more authentic way, we are strengthening that golden timeline; authenticity is a key piece and unraveling pieces that are not truly us; ancestral work is also a key piece; starseed time capsules- as you discover who you really are and integrate it into your daily living, the capsules opens (your gifts, capacities, light encodements, etc); your life purpose isn’t based on commodity but legacy- how you want to contribute to the whole

12:55 our current time has been contribute to by many visionaries, immortals etc; the power of contributing as a group; more about life purpose- about creating for the benefit of the whole; real wisdom is the person who plants the tree knowing they’ll never live to see the shade of it, what you leave for future generations

17:30 keys to access your Starseed time capsule; reference to non corporeal beings telling beings with a biosuit the nature of your existence; our reality is how we want it to be; staying in connection with your ancestors so they can contribute to the vision; there are ways to unlock the traps of illusions

22:17 first key- you have to wake up to- to be alive in a state of constant transformation & change (its a spectrum that’s not the same for everyone); an example of thinking something can’t change; second key- understand how fear (illusion) is used as a tool and you have the capacity to change your relationship with fear; dissolving the illusions that you have an enemies across time and space; the more impeccable you are with your truths, the more powerful you become

33:28 third key- finding your relationship to the great mystery; discovering your capacity to experience the unknown; letting go of illusions that keep us in place of warriorship and battle etc; in order to face the unknown with peace, you are completely surrendered to the infinite part of your nature; from the unknown comes the solution to everything and infinite potential to everything our heart desire; there is no going to the unknown with the idea of knowing where it’s going to go

38:04 to help us face the unknown, working with ancestors is key; fourth key- art of envisioning beyond time and space- heart expansion; that envisioning inspire you to take action; purpose and envisioning- bringing pieces to the human collective; your purpose isn’t measure by the bar of success/failure that this reality measures; your purpose could be the envisioning piece alone; all the keys will melt the illusion/delusion and strengthen your personal compass

44:33 reference to Barbara Hand Clow- when an idea is due, many people will bring it forth; how we bring ideas forward and the timing, we can all own that; we are powerful creators

46:53 fifth key- dissolving illusions of all the reasons we have to not love; sixth key- we are a creator; how can we create beauty moment by moment- that could be sharing your own insights from your journey; it’s not about good taste with your eyes but having courage to be live authentically

52:30 how to bring beauty in the face of suffering

53:45 disempowerment programs exaggerated right now because of the collective experience; what do you do with the feelings of the collective


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