The DNA Dance: A Journey to Self-Transformation
Dec 28, 2023Embarking on a journey of self-discovery often leads us to realms beyond the tangible, where the unseen world unfolds its mysteries. The first awakening occurs in the ancestral realm, where the healing of ancestral lines intertwines with our own physical well-being. As we navigate this realm, our DNA begins its dance, starting with the activation of Pleiadian or Annunaki DNA. Despite the myths and conspiracies surrounding the Annunaki, their contribution to our planetary DNA cannot be denied. This awakening marks the beginning of a more liberated self, as the Pleidian DNA follows suit, allowing us to understand and navigate the complexities of the world in a more empowered way.
The transformative journey doesn't stop there; as the DNA dance continues, we awaken from the perception of Earth being a "slave planet." The limitations imposed by a constrained DNA dance are shed, giving way to a newfound freedom of thought and potential. The shift in value systems becomes evident, emphasizing the importance of self-care, detoxifying our bodies, and withdrawing from toxic environments. With the Pleaidian DNA in motion, the pace of transformation accelerates until the Syrian or Arcturian DNA awakens, depending on one's unique lineage. This stage opens the door to an deeper understanding of life structures, paving the way for the creation of a life aligned with personal passions, desires and life purpose rather than societal expectations.
Beyond societal constructs and predefined roles, the DNA dance allows individuals to break free from the narratives imposed by culture, religion, and environment. The Pleiadian, Syrian, and Arcturian DNA dances enable the creation of a unique reality—one that aligns with personal values and passions.
Lunchtime Chats episode 153![](
2:48 Reference to a video comment - Armanian genocide; division game via religion; believing narratives affects you physiologically when you experience that specific narrative; history hijacking alters us and experience reality as if that reality is true
16:25 mythology of history eg. Bible; reference to Old Testament and its main creation stories; creation stories limits the story of who we are & shut down our DNA dance; what if that story was the truth; wayshowers are shedding those narratives and activating our DNA codes that have been collected throughout the cosmos to create a miracle race
22:46 keepers of various realms; ancestor realm being the first realm to awaken to; the importance of ancestral healing in reference to DNA dance to be activated; reference to Annunaki stories; when you activate, you wake past the story that this planet is a slave planet; reference to Pleaidian, Syrian, and your life purpose
28:36 case 12 star systems that donated their best and highest DNA to our planet; as we activate DNA dance, how we live our life changes, we emerge as a different person; high level DNA activations are currently happening to those who figured out to walk their path and maintain the frequency where higher capacities can exist; journey to more expansive DNA dances and examples
32:13 younger generations and their DNA activations- what their challenge is; integration is key to activations so its sustainable throughout your life; if you live not according to your values, you shut down the DNA dance
35:14 we are in a birthing process with the ebb and flow of activations opening and closing; solar activities supporting those who choose to integrate activations and maintain the frequencies; reference to Sacred Rite with transmission and encodements; reference to new humans walking the earth
41:06 significant narrative to transcend; contributing to your awakening experience- story of the Orion Wars; why its important
45:08 going into meditation with curiosity, the knowing comes not from the head but from a deeper part of you, the response that comes up has an activating effect
48:00 more on cause of Orion War- dispute on the evolution of consciousness, how to evolve consciousness; one side supports evolution is within the biosuit - DNA & genetics; the other side supports evolution with technology ie cyborg, hologrophics, AI; that war impacted all of life in various galaxies; reference to species/Star systems that supported tech-centric evolution; examples of tech that’s currently being developed
53:56 reference to a movie and truth concepts embedded in it; more on how Orion Wars affect us to this day; we are the ones to reconcile the differences; the importance of staying ‘loosely’ to information/narrative so you can develop your own truth compass (knowing what is true for you); as more DNA activations, your truth can shift, you can have your own truth rule your life
57:50 concept of changing as we learn more and our consciousness expands; recap of 4D collective fields are used to close down our DNA; DNA activations expands us beyond these stories; the current challenge with the push and pull of limiting narratives and what we can do
1:05:00 Christina’s account of being in Chicago and having a conversation with a man from Palestine
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