The Art of Energy Tracking and The Importance of Multidimensional Abilities

Aug 22, 2024
The universe and glass globe representing multidimensionality

Table of Contents

  • To view the replay, click the image above
  • Summary
  • Show notes with timestamps
  • Self-reflection questions


What is tracking energy,  the art of tracking and its significance for starseeds and new paradigm visionaries? Unlike other intuitive practices, tracking involves utilizing one's full multidimensional capacities to go into the unknown realms of consciousness. It is emphasized that this skill requires years of personal cultivation and practice, as it involves dismantling subconscious programming and societal conditioning that often limit our perceptions.

Key to the art of tracking is the concept of right relationship – with ourselves, our shadows, and the world around us. Contrary to the popular lightworker perspective of transforming everything into light, it's important to get into a deeper understanding and integration of our shadow aspects. Let's imagine the jaguar as the spirit animal representing tracking, highlighting its ability to be completely at home in its environment and its keen observational skills. This serves as a metaphor for how we should approach tracking: with stillness, acute awareness, and a sense of belonging in the universe.

Also, keep in mind the importance of community in developing tracking skills as well as the importance of having multiple, objective perspectives in the process. Having a supportive group of like-minded individuals is crucial for reflecting our gifts, talents, and areas for growth. The power of speaking truth within a community setting is also crucial, as this can lead to personal liberation and stronger connections with others. As we continue to evolve and unravel, the art of tracking offers a powerful tool for understanding ourselves and the interconnected nature of reality. If you'd like to experience more of this, join our Dreamtime Healing Project. 

3:30 - Topic 1: Coming into Right Relationship with Your Shadow
Discussion on the lightworker perspective of transforming everything into light, and why this approach may be limiting. Christina introduces a different perspective on working with one's shadow for deeper liberation.

5:14 - Topic 2: The Art of Tracking vs Other Intuitive Work
Explanation of tracking as a unique intuitive skill, different from other psychic abilities. Christina discusses the importance of letting go of preconceptions to enter the unknown.

8:00 - The Importance of Speaking Truth
Christina emphasizes the power of committing to speak only the truth and how this practice enhances personal growth and relationships.

14:30 - Understanding the Human Energy Centers
Detailed explanation of various energy centers and their roles in tracking and intuitive abilities, including the throat, third eye, heart, solar plexus, and sacrum.

26:30 - The Spirit Animal of Tracking: The Jaguar
Christina describes why the jaguar represents the skill sets required for tracking, including its connection to nature, observational skills, and ability to be in right relationship with its environment.

35:00 - Tracking as Following Energy into the Unknown
Explanation of how tracking involves following energy without preconceptions, gathering data sets, and bringing back healing stories or myths.

42:00 - The Role of Community in Spiritual Growth
Discussion on the importance of community support in developing tracking skills and navigating spiritual awakening, especially for starseeds.

51:30 - Q&A and Final Thoughts
Christina addresses questions from the audience and elaborates on topics such as creating centers of light and dealing with blind spots in personal growth.

1:04:00 - Upcoming Events and Closing Remarks
Information about upcoming community events, including free energy clearings, and ways to get involved with the Lightbody Academy for further learning and practice.


Self Reflection Questions

  1. How comfortable am I with exploring the unknown aspects of myself and the world around me?

  2. In what ways do I currently acknowledge and work with my shadow aspects?

  3. How often do I take time to be still and observe my environment with all my senses?

  4. What does being in "right relationship" mean to me in the context of my spiritual journey?

  5. How supportive is my current community in my personal growth and spiritual development?

  6. In what areas of my life do I find it challenging to speak my truth, and why?

  7. How can I cultivate a deeper sense of interconnectedness with nature and the universe in my daily life?

  8. What steps can I take to develop my multidimensional abilities and intuitive skills?






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