Navigating the Spiritual Lightning Socket & Cosmic Energies: Eclipses, Meteor Showers, and the Collective Awakening
Oct 27, 2023In recent times, we've been witnessing a cosmic dance in the skies, with eclipses and celestial activations stirring a profound energetic undercurrent. The effects of these celestial events are far-reaching, impacting not only our personal lives but also our broader collective experience.
Just as we've experienced a powerful total solar eclipse, we find ourselves on the brink of a lunar eclipse, and this one seems to be all about receiving transmissions. It's as if the universe is sending us messages, and it's up to us to tune in.
In the collective consciousness, there's a palpable sense of pressure, as if various forces are urging us to evolve rapidly. It's like a surge of energy, and for many, it can feel overwhelming and challenging. However, as the lunar eclipse approaches, it seems to offer us more support and an opportunity to embrace nurturing aspects in our lives.
But there's something else on the horizon, a secret gift from the cosmos. A special meteor shower, shared through the wisdom of a community of elders is set to grace our skies Oct 26. This meteor shower promises gifts of soft, peaceful, awakening light, akin to a gentle dawn. It aligns with the active periods of the Orionids and Draconids meteor showers, creating a harmonious convergence of celestial transmissions.
These celestial events are not just isolated occurrences; they are layers of different transmissions cascading upon us. As we awaken to our multidimensional nature, we begin to feel the profound changes taking place on both personal and collective levels. These shifts are interdimensional, deeply ingrained in our existence, and they call for our awareness and adaptation.
The pressures we feel are a sign of deep-seated structures breaking free. It's a shedding of old paradigms and belief systems that no longer serve us. As challenging as this process may be, it aligns beautifully with the time of the ancestors. Across various cultures, this time is believed to have thin veils between worlds, allowing for communication with our forebears. It's a unique opportunity to seek guidance and wisdom.
If you're consciously on a healing or spiritual journey, you might recognize these tumultuous times as necessary for personal growth. However, for those unaware of these shifts, life might seem like an explosion without context.
We, the seekers, have the privilege of a different perspective. We understand that willingly embracing change, exploring our vulnerabilities, and facing discomfort are integral to our growth. Yet, it's essential to remember that we are part of a collective. How we navigate these transformative waters not only impact our personal journey but also serves as a stabilizing force for the collective as a whole.
Our collective journey is also enhanced by the resonance we share as a community. We support and reinforce each other's experiences and contribute to the ever-evolving narrative of our shared awakening.
In essence, we find ourselves at the nexus of cosmic forces, where eclipses and meteor showers act as messengers, guiding us on our path of self-discovery and collective evolution. The pressure we feel is the birth pangs of a new era, and as we navigate this cosmic adventure, we do so together, each step influencing the next, on the grand voyage towards the New Earth.
Lunchtime Chats episode 144![](
2:38 about going into another lunar eclipse, seeding more transmissions; Oct 26 meteor shower bringing gifts of awakening light; spiritual/healing journey can be easier for some that are more self-aware
8:45 reference to doing uncomfortable inner work willingly vs unwillingly
10:20 spiritual lightning socket moments; inner work & subconscious counteractions; ancient teachings on celestial events; experiencing gifts as chaos; inner freedom is decided by you- it’s up to you to orientate to things towards sovereignty; the planet experiencing spiritual lightning socket
14:10 Christina’s reference fo her spiritual socket experience with self awareness; the spiritual lightning socket experience is a process because of our beliefs; what is the purpose of it
22:27 we are in the envelope of Pachamama unfolding into something; make it an adventure to find out what it is; we are here to wake up to what we never dreamed of; the current transmissions are showing us what we’re holding onto that cannot exist anymore whether our ego-driver likes it or not
24:18 how do we navigate life crumbling, chaos, upheavals; turn inward with the feelings; the experience of suffering
25:50 2 parts of suffering- the kind we run from and it chases us where we go; then there’s the suffering that we face (the gateway to discovering your freedom)- feel it, let it move through you and it won’t control you ie. fear; when upheavals happen, reflect on questions where you need to go; importance of self-care and inner nurturing in order to live in our truth
32:55 reference to death rites, what is it
35:40 the interdimensional support we have during our transitions and required changes; spiritual lightning socket is a journey; as we go into the solstice, think about what you can incorporate into your routine that nourish you; this year is important to integrate spiritual lightning sockets that happened this year
39:40 we’re launching into a level of living we never thought possible, we need to be integrated to experience it whole heartedly; integrating means all these transmissions blooming in your inner garden, universe, and as they grow, you allow these encodements to grow- this could look like a change in preferences; we start shifting our habits that are more aligned to what we want; these transmissions are fed by us tuning into our natural rhythms (being in flow, being in nature; not being rigid etc)
46:40 integration can change the way you be, to how things are in your outer world- could be feeling more centred; you can now create from that place rather than avoidance, stress etc; about the Andromeda gateway frequencies from the Oct 26 meteor shower frequencies; about other interdimensional beings and the frequencies they bring through the gateway
54:10 what’s on the other side of the painful journey
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