Whatโs The Connection Between Our Insectoid DNA, Mitochondria, Inner Cosmic Power, Life Purpose?
Jun 08, 2023The amount of quantum our bodies (bio suits) can hold now is exponentially more than we can imagine. As our reality shifts and transforms, so does our biosuit. In fact, we are literally a stellar event. Considering that every cell/mitochondria our bodies have can radiate more light than the Sun, we are MUCH more than we think we are. Imagine you, YOU, are a star! Literally a star that encompasses so much energy that it can obliterate anything. But because we were led to believe otherwise, and programmed to think of ourselves as small and finite, we, on some level, agreed to have experiences in amnesia. Many continue to live out experiences of toxicity and mediocrity. But it is time to let that go and wake up…wake up to your cosmic power.
Lunchtime Chats episode 124

2:13 Nesting doll overlays of our consciousness connected to distorted diving masculine; story of Poseidon and his influence
6:20 False constructs; Obligating life force energy to feed this reality; particles that don’t want to be in this matrix; Pachamama realm held in place by us imbuing our biosuits; experiences allow us to grow and expand
11:20 Nesting dolls shifting impacting our reality; our biosuit is changing, our DNA dance and its capacity for quantum; we can liberate our DNA dance more and transform our reality (ascension)
13:50 Our quantum levels; overlays on top of our purpose; our experiences during amnesia; our bio suits have the capacity to create, change etc
16:07 Secret to immortality held by the gateway of Sacred Scarab; our biosuit have several DNAs from different species, from different parts of the galaxy etc.
18:20 Insectoid DNA- our mitochondria is mapped after; mitochondria is fed by the atomic expression of love; every cell/mitochondria produces energy- it can potentially radiate more light than the Sun (we are a star, a stellar event); we stay solid because of our commitment to dense energy
24:42 feeling stuck in a matrix where we have to give life force energy; on some level, we agree to experiencing amnesia; as we let go of that and forgive we liberate ourselves and other beings
28:25 Women programmed to sacrifice, holding space; Christina’s story; importance of being in truth
33:55 We face how are we going to allow ourselves to shine and be our true selves
37:14 How to activate the mitochondria (energetic level and physiological level), need to address ancestral healing
44:47 The galaxy we see on a nights sky, exists within us; tuning into dragon cosmic forces; when we allow space within us, the layers of us, spiritual gifts, sacred knowing etc will activate; the freer we become
55:39 Ways to multidimensionality- what is the first available step; Christina’s story of being in a place of addiction to conscious living; choosing differently step by step
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