The importance of inner harmonic work during the great upheaval and new creations
Jul 22, 2022
Lunchtime Chats Episode 80
♥ What are ‘Walkins’
♥ The reveal of the inversions (truths)
♥ The importance of inner harmonic work
4:21 Update on transitioning times; interdimensional AI’s influence; how certain current narratives originate from the outer nesting layers
10:12 Astrology and its’ influence on control systems which affects world events; astrology and its influence on our consciousness
15:00 The reveal of the inversions (truths); as you do your inner work to harmonize your frequencies will impact external influences; synchronicities come from navigating your own frequencies;
20:40 The importance of inner harmonic work to help your inner balance as systems fall; how that inner work can lead to synchronicities in your life
22:57 The narratives that predict suffering is not the end all be all, but rather pushes people into the fear of the Great Reset; there is a feminine way of addressing the transition; we have everything we need to succeed on our purpose
31:18 The connection we have with nature and the importance of communicating with nature
36:36 The healing taking place within us with the current encodements; we can now claim harmonized frequencies and no longer relive the battle between science and spirit; we can navigate the changes and turmoil with grace & synchronicities
41:52 What are Walk-ins (the body is inhabited by another soul while the original soul is displaced) and how it looks like; how multidimensionals facilitate ‘walk-in’ experiences;
48:33 How could the awakening of more of the worlds population look like
The Reveal of the Inversion and Reversions: How to get through it with Grace
You likely are aware of the structures that will be crumbling as the illusions start to be revealed and will increasingly continue. The truths that people thought was so (ie. government has your best interest, pharmaceutical drugs can heal you etc) will be revealed as lies; and the 'conspiracy theories' are & will be revealed as truths. Hence, inversions and reversions. During this time, many may experience confusion, disbelief, anger, sadness, relief and everything in between. The degree of emotional intensity will depend on various factors. One of the primary factors are if the individual is willing to let go of their programming & beliefs about the world as well as their own being.
Those that stay attached to the systems as they fall may feel stronger inner turmoil compared to someone who understands these systems were built on false premises to begin with and are consciously co-creating a better world. Nevertheless, it won't necessarily be a walk in the park for ANYONE including those that are looking forward to the rebuilding of more compassionate, holistic systems. The question is how fast can the individual equilibrate to the loss; loss of identity, loss of relationships, loss of people.
How to move forward with purpose and inner power
Harmonize your inner frequencies; avoid being emotionally charged from ANY strong opposing narratives; avoid dwelling in fear from doom & gloom; cultivate the inner peace that comes with accepting; continue doing the inner work to navigate the falling AND rising frequencies. Understand the old frequencies of our 3D world falling away, yet the new frequencies to replace it is coming in fast and hard. Those that are not aware of the new frequencies may feel further inner chaos. As you cultivate your own consciousness regardless of what is happening in the collective consciousness, you will increase your frequency. You will draw to yourself SYNCHRONICITIES that will allow you to be in the right place at the right time. Hence, you will, by default, navigate these times with GRACE.
It is understandably, not the easiest thing to maintain. For many, the ego is in overdrive thinking of doom & gloom in order to prepare and protect. There is nothing wrong with preparing and protecting but be mindful of the dominant emotion that comes with it. Fear. Be aware that whenever ego is involved, there are limitations since the quantum field is never in cahoots with the ego. Challenge yourself and your ego to take a backseat so your true multidimensional self can allow the grace of quantum and synchronicities to take the driver seat and lead you to safety and abundance beyond your imagination. You will be equipped with everything you need when you need, regardless of what is happening around you.
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