Light Warrior Radio | Merlin and The Sleeping Dragon with Christina Schwind

interviews Aug 22, 2023

Tune into an enlightening Light Warrior Radio interview with the amazing Dr. Karen Tan and Christina Schwind! 🎙️✨

Christina is a new paradigm visionary and acceleration expert who brings a unique approach to enhance the spiritual gifts of healers, starseeds, and new-paradigm visionaries and wayshowers. Drawing from her training with indigenous record keeper Barbara Hand Clow and wisdom keepers from the Andes, she unravels intuitive blind spots and empowers others to reclaim their Dreamtime power.

You will enjoy this conversation if:

💭 You are an empath interested in turning the burdens of your gift into your greatest blessing

🧭 You are interested in cultivating healthy sovereign relationships with beings of the unseen worlds; elementals, the fae, sasquatch, and other interdimensional being

⭕️ You know you want to live your life as an empowered soul benefitting all life through your existence

💔 Do your part in dreaming the world into being and reclaiming our reality from the collective nightmare

🌌 Heal your heart and reclaiming your capacity to be a source of infinite love and compassion

🔮 And so much more!


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