Humanity's Sacred Connection to Earth as Caretakers and Reclaiming Our Reality

Aug 15, 2024
Earth and multidimensional realm

Table of Contents

  • To view the replay, click the image above
  • Summary
  • Show notes with timestamps
  • Self-reflection questions

For now, we live in a reality where many are disconnected from nature and their true selves, but we can change that. Despite how we are bombarded with false frequencies from the moment of conception, and leading us away from our authentic nature, we have the choice to turn that around. Humanity's role as custodians of Earth and our multidimensional reality allow us to reconnect with the earth through simple acts like gardening or walking in nature. We can tap into a healing energy that not only benefits us, the planet but the collective.

As you know, our reality is far more vast and complex than we've been led to believe, with many consciousness grids, vortexes, and multidimensional realms. By awakening to these aspects of our existence, we can begin to neutralize limiting belief systems and reclaim our power as co-creators of our reality. There many tools for expanding our consciousness and understanding our true multidimensional nature; whether it be through dreamtime, the Akasha, or the simplicity of presence.

Remember, it only takes a small percentage of awakened individuals to create significant change in our collective reality. By living authentically and aligning with our truth, we naturally raise the vibrational frequency of those around us, creating a ripple effect that can transform entire communities. Through certain practices as seen in some indigenous cultures, we can nurture a new generation of humans who are fully aware of their multidimensional capabilities.

Here are some things we can do to reclaim our reality and to develop caretaking abilities:

  • Work on yourself to align with your truth and authenticity.
  • Nurture relationships with others who are also working on their truth and authenticity.
  • Engage in gardening and working with soil to reconnect with nature.
  • Spend time in nature, walking in silence and contemplation.
  • Practice lucid dreaming, and meditate within your dreams to access deeper levels of consciousness.
  • Clean up your Akashic records to heal past traumas and create new opportunities.
  • Use dreamtime to go deeper within yourself rather than reinforcing external reality.
  • Cultivate inner awareness to recognize when you're aligning with higher frequencies.
  • Participate in conscious conception and sacred birthing practices (if applicable).
  • Treat children as sacred beings from conception through birth and beyond.
  • Connect with indigenous wisdom and practices that maintain multidimensional awareness.
  • Practice good energetic hygiene and learn to command your energy field.
  • Engage in ancestral clearing work to clean up energies and bring forward sacred gifts.
  • Focus on your personal growth and authenticity rather than getting caught up in external distractions and conflicts.
  • Recognize and cultivate your natural multidimensional abilities.
  • Seek to resonate with the highest frequencies around you, whether in nature or with other people.
    Share your awakening and understanding with others to help create a critical mass of conscious individuals.


  1. Introduction and Background (00:00 - 03:29)

    • Explanation of her unique terminology and approach
    • Brief overview of her multidimensional training and experiences
  2. Humanity as Caretakers of Earth (03:30 - 08:59)

    • Discussion on humans as custodians of this realm
    • The vastness of our reality beyond common understanding
    • How we're bombarded with false frequencies from conception
  3. The Power of Sacred Connection (09:00 - 15:29)

    • The healing effects of working with soil and gardening
    • Example of Vandana Shiva's work in India
    • Comparison of machine-farmed vs. hand-farmed produce
  4. Nature's Multidimensional Aspects (15:30 - 23:59)

    • Vortexes, portals, and energetic hotspots in nature
    • The story of prayer protecting a tree from wildfire
    • How nature helps us reconnect with ourselves
  5. Consciousness Grids and Vortexes (24:00 - 29:59)

    • Explanation of consciousness grids in natural and urban environments
    • Discussion on the Middle East and Bosnia as examples of vortex areas
    • The manipulation of sacred sites for control
  6. Reclaiming Our Multidimensional Nature (30:00 - 37:29)

    • The importance of authenticity and following our truth compass
    • How education systems can limit our potential
    • Redefining success and happiness
  7. Akashic Records and Dreamtime (37:30 - 48:59)

    • Explanation of the Akasha and its role in our lives
    • The importance of lucid dreaming and meditation in dreams
    • How to access deeper levels of consciousness
  8. Our Impact on Reality (49:00 - 57:29)

    • The extent of our influence beyond the solar system
    • How a small percentage of awakened individuals can create change
    • The bio suit's natural tendency to resonate with higher frequencies
  9. Sacred Conception and Indigenous Wisdom (57:30 - 01:00:59)

    • The practice of conscious conception in some indigenous cultures
    • How sacred children are raised differently
    • Connecting with multidimensional beings
  10. Conclusion and Call to Action (01:01:00 - 01:03:00)

    • Recap of how we can reclaim our reality
    • Information about the LifeBody Essentials Program
    • Announcement of upcoming ancestral clearing event


Self Reflection Questions

  1. In what ways do I feel disconnected from nature, and how can I create more opportunities to reconnect?

  2. When was the last time I felt truly authentic and aligned with my inner truth? What was different about that moment?

  3. How often do I engage in practices that expand my consciousness, such as meditation or lucid dreaming? How can I incorporate these more into my daily life?

  4. What limiting beliefs or societal expectations am I holding onto that may be preventing me from embracing my multidimensional nature?

  5. How can I cultivate more meaningful relationships with others who are on a similar path of awakening and authenticity?

  6. In what ways have I experienced the power of my thoughts or intentions shaping my reality? How can I harness this power more consciously?

  7. What ancestral patterns or energies do I feel might be influencing my life? How can I begin to address and heal these?

  8. How can I bring more sacredness and intentionality into my daily activities and interactions?

  9. What steps can I take to create a personal environment that supports my highest vibration and authentic self?

  10. How can I use my awakening and understanding to positively impact my community and the wider world?





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