Embracing More New Paradigm Energies

awakening energy new human Apr 28, 2023

This is great news for those awake enough to understand the ‘shaking up’ that happens during these uncertain, shedding, yet new self-discovery, sovereign-claiming times. Many spiritual narratives have mentioned these times in their language whether it be ‘new dawn’, ‘new light’, ‘awakening.’

Some have even had dreams about this time. Regardless of the details of the narratives, we can expect new paradigm frequencies to continually penetrate pachamama and us.

How we feel and react will vary from person to person. Some may find it easier than others to disconnect from the chains of illusions and various nesting dolls that keep us limited while others may find it extremely difficult. Whichever scenario you choose to engage your attention to, know that we all have a moving life purpose that evolves during different times. There is no right or wrong.

Watch the video above to learn more.


Lunchtime Chats episode 118 Recap


♥ Frequency update

♥ The new light/dawn and what it means for us

  Transhumanism narrative


4:56 Types of scientism; scientific dogma of the age

9:37 The data we get that are framed to disempower us; The processes of multidimensionality is challenging the status quo

11:03 Transitioning out of great cycles of evolution and consciousness (power over dynamics to sovereignty)

12:03 Overlays on our reality that cause us to collude with our disempowerment; current energies are getting more intense; we are clearing out many ages of accumulated overlays in a short amount of time

14:55 Idea of transhumanism, machinery, AI etc; moving through the traumas in relation to trans- humanistic experience; the importance of willing to love & forgive anyway

22:45 The importance of talking & space holding with other Starseeds

23:46 New energies; narratives on solar flash, new dawn, massive awakening; our roles during different times; life purpose

31:55 Nesting dolls and the different concepts (Akashic fields, sacred geometry, sound frequencies, oneness etc); what’s beyond the all-that-is; new energies are blasting away some of the concepts to something more expansive; when we awaken past a nesting doll, it can feel difficult to move past our beliefs of that layer

38:00 Work of George Kavassilas

39:50 Empire that feeds on our life force energy for their survival; we can move past that narrative by simply choosing; our galaxy is in alignment with other galaxies (superclusters) exploring the same resonance field; the different types of intergalactic groups still have an agenda

46:40 The new light; waking past the galactic mind; the new light/dawn enables us to access levels beyond the souls journey; collective fields- crisis of faith; doorway of transcendence past the galactic levels & even superclusters

52:11 Everything that’s going on currently didn’t start here; importance of staying connected with like-minded communities; staying in awareness of power over dynamics; being in right relationship with these pieces




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