Difference between Old Paradigm and New Paradigm Indigos/Starseeds
Sep 16, 2022
Lunchtime Chats episode 88 Recap
♥ Difference between old paradigm and new paradigm indigos
♥ Why twin flames are difficult
♥ The Galactic cosmic empire control system
♥ Connecting with elemental beings
4:27 Old paradigm vs new paradigm indigos; definitions & layers of immortality; soul purpose & unwinding ancestral beliefs & programming; mainstream principles and concepts established by early generation indigos but that has & is changing by the new wayshowers; examples of old paradigm ways & new paradigm
23:03 Ancestral healing is crucial at this time to help pave the new paradigm and transition from the old paradigm; how it can affect how we make decisions now; old paradigm still has its’ place-it doesn’t become irrevelant
30:17 The connection between ancestral influence with the twin flame concept; what happens over time with twin flame relationships (illuminating our shadows); these relationships become difficult; the more we heal our ancestral lineage, the less intense the shadow work; the importance of unraveling our blind spots
34:26 What is the Galactic cosmic empire control system; movie reference to this- Jupiter Ascending; exo-politics, exo-species & agendas; the inception from that galactic system affects us, our memories, our ancestry, planets, etc;
40:47 How Inner circle magic reversing these inceptions; how it affects feeling of love; the agenda of ‘union’ ; how many souls on the planet are starseeds/indigos & how it will affect our planet
51:14 What do you with inception within a twin flame relationship? Commit to being 100% honest with yourself so you can be honest with your beloved; there will be some truths that will be too difficult to say- what do you do at that point?
55:42 Connecting with elemental beings; best ways to do it; ideal lifestyle tips to tune your frequency
What is the difference between Old Paradigm and New Paradigm Indigos/Starseeds?
In describing these differences, it is not to point out that one is better than the other. New paradigm ways wouldn't exist without previous generations laying out & trailblazing the path.
Consider how millennials differ from their parents or grandparents; their sets of beliefs, how things are done during their time etc. Or how the first version of Macintosh is different from current Macbook operations. Over time, the initial versions receive programming updates that make operations much smoother, faster, efficient.
That's similar to how we are. We take our sets of programming & beliefs from previous generations and whether it's conscious or not, those evolve until it looks completely different from the original version. For e.g., our ancestors may have taken decades to reach a certain peak in their spiritual growth to walk their soul purpose; however, current folks who are diligent on their path may take a quarter of that time to reach the same peak.
What once took a lot of hard work and time of inner work & practice, now current Indigos/Starseeds are born with those results with no effort and time. Even if they aren't born with 'the knowing' intact, they don't have to work as hard as previous generations to remember. Consider that the number of ancestors that lived their soul purpose in the past compared to how many do now is quite significant. There are way more souls living in harmony with their truths now.
This en masse of new paradigm wayshowers, in turn, affects the collective consciousness in ways that our ancestors would have taken longer to achieve during the past & denser times. In fact, previous generations may still feel their ways to be the norm and may struggle with new paradigm ways. But the key is creating synergy between the old & new. They can definitely be morphed together to create something entirely new.
For example, the traditional way of learning is through the teacher and student dynamic with the teacher doing all the instructing based on what's in the books. But what if that lesson can be delivered in an experiential way with the student rather than 'let's sit in a classroom 6 hours a day only listening to 1 person that stands in front of the classroom.' The lesson topic is not so much the point here but rather the difference in expression and the impact it has on students' development.
Going back to the difference between previous generations of wayshowers to current, it's not about judging either one. The multi-generational teachings coming together as cohesive expressions is the beacon that anchors in the New Paradigm.
Imagine a track & field relay race. There are 4 runners in a team that hand off a baton to each other one-by-one. The key to a smooth race is if everyone is in synergy with each other in timing and speed. Let's say the first runner is our ancestor who hands the baton (ancient truths) to the next generation until the last runner (who is usually the fastest runner of the 4) gets the baton and sprints to the finish line. Sure, the 4th & last runner may be the fastest, but the first runner is just as important to the race to even start the baton down the path. New paradigm folks may have faster 'processing systems' to bring that baton to the finish line but let's give credit to our ancestors for having that baton exist in the first place.
Listen to episode 88 for more details around this concept!
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