Collective overlays and contact with extraterrestrials
Aug 10, 2023In the grand tapestry of existence, a profound shift is unfurling before our very eyes. The once unassailable veils of disempowerment and control that have enshrouded our perception of reality are beginning to fracture and crumble, revealing the radiant truth that has long been concealed. With a growing sense of clarity, humanity is awakening from the slumber of ignorance, stepping into the luminous dawn of enlightenment. The threads of mistruths, spun with meticulous cunning by those who sought dominion, are unraveling as people cast aside the shackles of manipulation and ascend into the realm of authenticity.
A part of this awakening lies a revelation that was once relegated to the realm of speculation and imagination—the notion that we, as a species, are not alone in this vast cosmos. The orchestrated efforts of the powers that once held sway, desperately attempting to sow the seeds of doubt and disbelief regarding our connection with extraterrestrial beings, are weakening before the irresistible tide of human consciousness. The tides of change are carrying us toward an ocean of acceptance, where the shores of possibility are illuminated by the radiant light of unity.
The resonance of truth is spreading, igniting minds and hearts with an unwavering belief in the existence of fellow cosmic travellers. As stardust kinship becomes an inherent part of our collective understanding, the boundaries that once confined us within the narrow confines of terrestrial existence dissolve like morning mist before the rising sun. We stand at the precipice of a new era, where the interstellar tapestry of life beckons us to explore the uncharted frontiers of our potential.
The once-muted whispers of cosmic encounters now swell into a powerful chorus of acceptance, reverberating through the corridors of time. Humanity, once divided by the illusion of separateness, is embracing a universal truth—an affirmation that the cosmos is our canvas, and together, we shall paint a masterpiece of unity, compassion, and exploration.
Let’s embrace the notion of extraterrestrial kinship, as we stand on the cusp of an epoch where the human spirit soars, unbound by limitations, and where the stars themselves are our companions in the magnificent journey of self-discovery and cosmic belonging.
Lunchtime Chats episode 133![](
2:12 Sexual abuse in relation to telluric realm initiation; 7 chakra model teachings and concepts beyond that model for those awake past the galactic mind; sacral is the lens for the telluric reality and the 3D realm; the hijacking of sexual energy centres for control of the biosuit; this will be coming to a close as these practices are no longer in integrity to the new frequencies
13:04 what are each of the lens; root- core of the earth frequency; sacral- ability to perceive the telluric realm and engage through our bodies; solar plexus- access to collective field; heart- access to infinite nature, creative energy, Pleiadian frequencies; throat- Sirian knowledge, lightbody frequencies, access cyclical nature of time; third eye- lens for perceiving frequency, access to more outer nesting dolls; crown- access to all that is perception
18:35 chakra system is getting upgraded as we wake up to more nesting dolls; the more nesting dolls you wake up to, the more structures you can transcend; chakra removing system; trauma, shame, guilt, victimhood programming is a way dark forces take control of your sovereignty- the less presence you have in your body;
23:05 Starseeds are hindered & disempowered by saviour role
24:45 addressing dark forces in an alchemizing way; letting go of our false stories & masks to perceive new layers; decoding trauma etc; these forces penetrate because we participate
28:20 overlays in the collective; about the show called Truth Seeker on Gaia TV; the crack in the collective field so people can see behind the blinders- ie. engaging with interdimensional beings outside of the exo-politics control system/power over dynamics; the need to match frequencies to communicate with interdimensionals; the programming (overlay) behind the acceptance of other beings- the majority of people are no longer accepting that program (that overlay is cracking)
35:12 other narratives are being disclosed; systems that disempower are losing their hold
37:35 the apocalyptic narrative programmed in our perceptions; Christina’s account of a dystopian book story; our multidimensional way is the opposite of these narratives; the manipulation in the Green movement; the manipulation in veganism nutrition; we are waking up to these systems
45:00 humanity’s trajectory is waking up to our truths; we are loved, cared for by the Cosmos; the Sirian energy is pushing us to who we really are; for those unable to wake up to the outer nesting dolls, there can be a crisis period with self
47:26 The importance of cultivating a relationship & connecting with the Fae realm; increases compassion, leads to harmony; Sirian stargate supports that
49:58 what we need to do to step into who we are and unify; what are the results of unification
52:08 Plants that are supportive of our unification and presence; Plant beings in the Lower, middle and upper world
59:58 The ‘WE’ game; the holding pattern before moving forward; the importance of helping others to during this time
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