What are the main underlying causes of self-neglect?

change love Sep 14, 2023

The causes of self-neglect can be multifaceted and often go beyond mere laziness or lack of motivation. While we may intellectually understand what is beneficial for our overall well-being, there are underlying factors that can make it challenging to put this knowledge into practice. These factors are often overlooked but play a crucial role in our ability to nurture our body and soul. That is why it is important for us to be conscious of building and maintaining a strong energy field.

The main factors are:

1. Ancestral trauma
Sometimes, the root of self-neglect lies in unresolved ancestral trauma. Deep-seated emotional wounds and patterns passed down through generations can affect our self-worth and our ability to care for ourselves. Healing these ancestral wounds can be a key step in overcoming self-neglect.

2. Societal Conditioning: We are born into a society that often encourages us to give our life force away to various external demands and expectations that constrict our soul and hearts desires. From a young age, we're conditioned to prioritize productivity, success, competition and external validation over self-care, self-love and love for others.

3. Difficulty in Receiving and Giving Love: Some individuals struggle to open themselves up to receiving love, whether it's from others or directed towards themselves. This difficulty can stem from past experiences, fear of vulnerability, or a lack of self-compassion.

4. Inhibiting Energies and Entities: Certain energies and entities can feed off our weaknesses and inhibitions, making it even more challenging to break free from self-neglect. These negative influences can create vicious cycles that perpetuates self-destructive behavior.

By being aware of these underlying issues, individuals can take proactive steps toward building a strong energy field of self-care, self-love, inner truth and overall well-being to prevent any leaks and drainage.


Watch the video above to learn more about these main factors.

If you want to know more about building a strong energy field while preventing drainage, watch the full replay below.


Lunchtime Chats episode 138



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