A Dreamtime Poem ✨

dreamtime Sep 19, 2024

Dreamtime’s more than fleeting dreams, 

A gateway to unravel schemes, 

Of who you are, beyond the veil, 

Where cosmic truths begin to sail. 


The veil of angst, the shadows deep, 

Are but a doorway while we sleep. 

Through tangled webs of thought and fear, 

The vast expanse becomes so clear. 


Ancestral whispers, allies near, 

In dreamtime’s space, they all appear. 

To guide, to teach, to help us grow, 

To truths our waking minds don’t know. 


It's not just visions in the night, 

It's where we glimpse our truest light. 

Where cosmic realms dissolve the bars, 

And show us we’re made of the stars. 


Through rabbit holes, we slip and bend, 

To meet with beings who transcend. 

In realms where time and space unwind, 

We see the vastness of our mind. 


The watchers gaze, the ancients call, 

Within this space, we grasp it all. 

No longer shackled by routine, 

In dreamtime, we become serene. 


Each dream a key, a bridge, a door, 

To worlds we've touched, but longed for more. 

We clear the lens, we pierce the haze, 

And walk the path through cosmic maze. 


With every breath, with every dive, 

Our deeper truths become alive. 

We weave the threads, we spin and sow, 

The outer worlds we’ve yet to know. 


In waking life, we tread the line, 

But dreamtime teaches we’re divine. 

It calls us back, it shows the way, 

To birth new worlds through night and day. 


For in this space, we truly see, 

That who we are is meant to be, 

More than the roles we’ve come to play— 

Dreamtime shows us a brighter day. 


And here’s the truth, the sacred spark: 

We dream our world out of the dark. 

The power’s ours to shape and weave, 

The future’s ours if we believe. 


We’re not just dreamers, lost in sleep, 

We’re visionaries, diving deep. 

With every thought, with every glance, 

We’re sculpting life—a sacred dance. 


So dream your world into the light, 

With boundless love and fearless sight. 

For we’re the ones who hold the key, 

To dream the world we wish to see. 


So as we dream, we weave and spin, 

The outer worlds we hold within. 

A journey vast, a truth that beams, 

Dreamtime’s not just dreams—it’s how we dream. 


A sacred sound, a shape, a sign, 

Where spirit and the word align. 

Encodements from the stars above, 

That guide us with their sacred love. 


And in this space, the answers lie, 

To problems that we can’t deny. 

The dreamtime offers keys and clues, 

To paths our waking minds refuse. 


So dive in deep, explore the night, 

For dreamtime is your soul’s true light. 

In every dream, a world anew, 

A realm where you remember *you*.


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