The Elemental and Sasquatch Beings: The Flood Gates Open Chapter 4
Jul 04, 2022
By Laurel Leaman
Chapter 4- The Floodgates Open
When my daughter finally saw this incredible footage she decided she had to go to this portal again. So up we went and once again took many photos and video clips. (I have come to learn that if the camera is up in front of my eyes, I can see them in real time. They have flown right past my face! Without the camera I would never have known they were there, except for the very real feelings I had about it. I would encourage you to give this a try if the inclination strikes you. Simply whenever you have a feeling of their presence, hold up your camera.)
I got some wonderful footage of the previous blue fairy (Franchesca) and several others flitting about the trees. However, my daughter got the most amazing, incredible video of two very small fairies (roughly 3 inches tall... (Francesca is much bigger, roughly 1-2 ft tall) flying around and going in and out of what we call the “fairy portal”.
I call these two Tibby and Tansy. As Tansy flies into the hole at the bottom, Tibby begins to fly out. At this point she is gaining acceleration and for a fleeting second you can see her full on; arms, hair, little vest and face. Here are the stills I got in varying degrees of enlargement so you can see exactly what you’re looking at
Here you can also see the holes in the tree light red up from the inside!
Since this was taken, I have gone on to have encounters with many other elemental realm beings. There is a gnome where I camp out with the Sasquatch named ‘Ralphie”
He cares for and interacts with the mycelial network and wears a cape of lichens he uses as a sort of library or internet that he carries with him. He appears with a staff denoting he has accumulated power and wisdom and wields it with loving care and compassion. He is a friend of Lightbody Academy and has appeared to several members at home and in labs.
Here is Francis. He his a troll-like being that lives in a hedge near my house.
Because he feels safe with me he has invited his friends to come and say hi now as well. This has given him some elemental street cred which he very much enjoys!
This is Arly. He is a Pleiadian Fairy (as is Franchesca) that lives on one of the Gulf Islands. He originally used the same type of blue light as Franchesca to get my attention in the photo.
and then reveals his true form a second later.
You can see his crown, goatee beard, his right arm lifted and hand facing outward and his knees up. In the this photo you can see him in flight with his knees up, wings and all.
These are but a few of many photos, videos and experiences I have accumulated in a short period of time. These beings keep coming forward to reveal themselves and are quite literally lining up to be seen. Why? Firstly because they know it’s safe to do so because I have done a lot of work to clear my energy field here in Lightbody Academy. Secondly because it’s time. The elemental realms want to join with us to change this planet back into the beautiful, clean, safe and MAGICAL place that it used to be, for the sake of us all. What we do affects not only ourselves and our experiences of this realm, but because they exist with us in an overlapping realm, what we are doing to the planet is affecting them. When we tear down forests, we not only destroy our own visible environment and beings, but the elemental environment and it inhabitants as well....and their realm is teeming with life! Elementals beings are everywhere, particularly where nature is left unscathed. So when you go to the forests, lakes, or any place in nature, do so with childlike wonder and joy in your heart, quietly, peacefully and with care and respect for those we do not see. Their world is our world. And so it is.
Read more of The Elemental and Sasquatch Beings Series:
As a human/elemental ambassador I introduce humans to the unseen realms where they can source healing, gain insights and remember their interconnectedness with nature, the elemental world and beyond.
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