The Elemental and Sasquatch Beings: And Then There Were Fairies Chapter 3
Jul 04, 2022
By Laurel Leaman
Chapter 3- And Then There Were Fairies
One day about a year and a half or so ago, I went to connect with Sasquatch at my usual spot, but it was closed for repairs, so I decided to drive up the mountain and look for a hiking path. I found one that looked fairly well, but not too well travelled, parked my car and went up. It was fall and the leaves were luminous golden colours and the moss was so lush, green and beautiful that it only added to the magic of this place. This first time up I didn’t get too far as I was running out of time before the sun went down but I thought “I have to come back...there is something magical happening here.” A few months later I convinced my daughter to come with me. As we walked along, she had the same feeling; that this was a very special place. We came to a clearing where there was the most magical looking tree and I said “Look! it’s a fairy portal!” Half jokingly, and she said “Yes! It’s a fairy portal!” and we laughed together and walked around and took photos of this amazing tree and the surrounding clearing. We both felt there was something magical going on there. You could practically taste it! We stayed as long as we could and determined we would come back as soon as possible.
The next day I was looking over the photos from that hike and I spotted, way up in a very tall tree, a pair of quite large brown wings.
They were very camouflaged so I don’t know how I spotted them, but there they were, up in this tree. My reality was quite shattered by this realization. As it was, I had been looking for fairies my whole life. For a few years as a child, I lived in the woods, and whenever I was out there I would be looking for them. When we camped as a family, the same thing happened everywhere we stopped. I used to beg to camp by any kind of water-even just a trickle of a stream-so I could sit in it and be closer to the elemental realms. As I grew older, I never forgot that, but of course I eventually moved to the city and was in the woods less and less as I made my way through becoming an adult and eventually the memories you can imagine how evidence such as these brown wings would be very startling. It took me quite awhile to assimilate this knowing. I credit my work with Christina and everyone at Lightbody Academy with helping make this new reality part of my everyday life.
The next time I went to what we were now calling “the fairy portal”, it was my brother who wanted to come with me. I had told him all about this magical place and he was very intrigued. So off we went up the mountain. He also agreed that this incredibly beautiful place was a space out of time. Again we took many photos of the tree itself and the surrounding clearing, and again, the next day I sat down to go over the photos. (I have an IPhone that I use for the photos and I usually use the “Live” setting which gives a roughy 4 second vide clip.) In one of the photos I saw an aqua coloured blob which seemed out of place, so I zoomed in and I saw a face!
What the ?!?!” I thought! So I slowly scrolled through the short video clip, and sure enough, there was a full blown fairy, flying onto the tree, moving around and flying off. I blew it up and I could see arms, hands, wings, her dress, and it looked like she was wearing some sort of headdress or crown of floating tendrils.
This fairy came to be fondly known as “Francesca” and she is indeed a fairy queen. This brave soul had offered herself to me as evidence and as a fairy/human ambassador. She had not only done this once, but twice on this same day. (There are two separate but similar clips). This is when I realized I was being called to let people know: FAIRIES ARE INDEED REAL!!
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Read more of The Elemental and Sasquatch Beings Series
As a human/elemental ambassador I introduce humans to the unseen realms where they can source healing, gain insights and remember their interconnectedness with nature, the elemental world and beyond.
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