The Elemental and Sasquatch Beings: So Then What? Chapter 2
Jul 04, 2022
By Laurel Leaman
Chapter 2- So Then What?
I had heard there was also a fellow living near me named Brian Bland (YouTube: Sasquatch BC the True Story: The Pork and Beans Show) who was very close with a Sasquatch clan. He had not been able to made it to the Chewelah conference that year and I was hoping to meet him there. He was apparently very knowledgeable about Sasquatch and had cultivated an ongoing relationship with them. Again, there was a very real push to meet him which eventually did happen after several months of trying. Interestingly, I again had to go through Christina to make that happen. Brian and his wife Susan graciously introduced me to his clan and now I am learning from this same clan leader named Arrrie. (Since then I have also cultivated a relationship with a young and very, very wise Sasquatch at a park a block from my own house. This relationship has become quite profound within a short period of time. She has agreed to teach me with the blessing of her parents and I’m very excited to see where this current relationship takes me).
And so it was that I had been handed off to another clan for new lessons. I have not had any interaction with Kahelah or his young ones since that time except for one final event when they let me know they were still around. Sasquatch rarely do anything haphazardly or without a good reason.
My meeting with Brian lead to several campouts in the area. This was not a glamorous event! Only cold running water and outhouses. No electricity and no cell service. (Okay, if you stand on one leg and hold your tongue just right you may get a bar for a hot minute if the wind is favourable! ) However, many magical things can and do happen there! Usually I camp up in the woods a few hundred yards away from the others. This turned out to be a very wonderful spot surrounded by trees and ferns where I have had magical encounters with Sasquatch and other elemental beings. There were also stick glyphs left outside my tent.
On the last day of this first campout there were line drawing-like images shown to me of the clan that faded in and out as I watched. My eyes were closed, but I was I thought “hmmm....I’m going to open my eyes and see if they are still there”....and sure enough I could see them up against the side of my tent, smiling and fading in and out one clan member at a time. And then I heard Arrrie say “Wa See Ah, Stay Ah Mu” which I felt to mean “it was nice to have you, come again soon! At the following campout I went to take a nap after setting up (it’s a bit of a haul to my spot) and I could see the Sasquatch twins in my mind’s eye (roughly around 6-8 years old) behind my tent clutching each other and saying “we are so happy to see you again!” Of course I did not nap after that! Another night there were huge lights shining into my tent from the outside that woke me out of a dead sleep. I could tell they were not normal lights because they were huge, (each taking up an entire side of the tent) oval shaped and had dark centres as opposed to a normal flashlight which is brighter in the centre. They lit up my tent like it was daylight! I must have been asleep for a couple of hours and I woke straight up to see my entire tent illuminated from the outside. I could see oval shaped lights shining in on three sides and I thought...”what are these guys up to?” thinking the other campers were pranking me, but I could still hear them talking and drumming by the fire. Then I thought...“yikes!! This is not normal!” but I managed to stay calm and observe them. They stayed for a few minutes undulating around and then disappeared. When I got up late the next morning ( I couldn’t sleep for awhile after that) the others told me they had seen the lights and wondered what was going on. They said the lights were about 30 feet up in the trees looking very much like aircraft landing lights. I felt like I had gotten a very thorough once over by someone!
Another day when it was pouring rain, we were all huddled under the picnic shelter, when out of nowhere a rock comes hurtling down with great force and lands with a huge crash on the metal roof. It then rolled off in front of us onto the ground. Everyone was startled! (There were very few people in the park in general as it was fall, and the rain had been coming down in buckets. For quite some time) One fellow went and picked up the rock. It was heart-shaped. (the rock also has a fossil of a gnat or small dragonfly on it)
The only strange thing about this is that I had given them several heart shaped rocks when I arrived.
This fellow knew this and said ”this must be for you” and gave it to me. I had that same feeling. Another night a huge orb-about a foot and a half around, passed in front of my tent and stopped right at the doorway, sat there for a few minutes and disappeared, once again waking me out of a dead sleep with it’s bright light. I feel like these encounters are serving a purpose that cannot be served at my home... that I am getting some kind of energetic downloads that will come to light at a later time. I also feel there will be much more to come as these campouts continue. In the meantime, Arrrie occasionally visits me at home, but only as necessary. One thing I have learned about Sasquatch....there is nothing that happens by accident, and nothing happens without a purpose. (unless their kids are goofing around:)
As a human/elemental ambassador I introduce humans to the unseen realms where they can source healing, gain insights and remember their interconnectedness with nature, the elemental world and beyond.
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