2023 Energy Update: Pluto and the Reckoning

energy pluto truths Dec 30, 2022

Many preach that 2023 will be a year of absolute chaos and tyranny. Others are in conviction that this will be a time the light will defeat the dark. We urge you not to get caught up in endless rabbit holes of light vs dark, who's doing what to who and the details that come with it. FOCUS on YOU, where you want to be, how you want to be. Shine your internal flashlight inward to your locked box of beliefs that are no longer in integrity with your heart.
2023 will be a year of the reckoning. Those that are not BEING or living in integrity of love & authenticity will have a difficult time as Pluto washes over. Sure, there will be chaos as systems around us crumble. Yes, emotional turmoil will likely plague those that have been living unconsciously. Stay steady to the whispers of your heart and take action on that despite the programming you've been taught to believe. It may be easier said that done when the moment comes. Watch the video above to learn more on how to move through it with more ease & grace.


Lunchtime Chats episode 103 Recap


♥ 2023 energy update

♥ Pluto underworld reveal

♥  Navigating upcoming changes with ease & grace


2:00 Upcoming changes; Saturn influence reckoning, death of certain structures, mass die offs, Pluto influences for 2023; what’s been hidden will be revealed

5:49 What Universe are you embodying (power of dynamics or sovereign etc); Universe feedback loops; synchronicities; communications from Universe

14:22 Universe talks to us in code, metaphors, poetry, riddles, etc not in direct language; feedback loops doesn’t come at surface value most of the times

20:17 Pluto energy bringing deaths to constructs not in integrity with life; grieving process & ideal support system; 2023 will be a litmus test of your self-growth work; how to get through with more grace & ease; how to receive feedback loops with minimal devastation

30:55 Point of reckoning in 2023; we need to do what’s right; those that go against that will have difficulty navigating Pluto’s influence; the systems that will have reckoning

36:53 What we can do as there are falling aways; we can go deep into our own underworlds to bring to light our blindspots

37:35 Reference to Sylvia Brown & her prophesies

40:45 The importance of community, truths, catalyst that death brings

44:35 Christina’s dream of The effects of v#$%^nations on the body; the visions of mass healing technologies

50:58 Universe is colluding to help us let go of disempowerment; working with who we are and cycles of nature; following our truths with minimal compromise

53:27 Pluto’s push for reckoning that will last decades




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