Welcome to our portal for connecting with the enigmatic and mystical being known as Sasquatch. Here, you'll find videos that show what to be aware of when you begin to develop a relationship with the forest people. Learn the art of gifting, the intriguing forms these gifts take, and the unique structures you might encounter during your nature walks. We invite you to watch these videos with an open mind and heart, ready to embrace the mysteries and teachings that Sasquatch brings into our world.
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Join our Forest Wisdom Circle
The Forest Wisdom Circle (held once a month for 60 min) is for starseeds and intuitives who are having communications with our forest friends, (Elemental and/or Sasquatch) and for those who would like to begin to have those communications. The goal of this group is to to introduce ambassadors from these realms, explore what that could entail, and share experiences and concerns as we progress in our connections with them... together.
Register for our next session