Our mission
Our mission is to empower an awakening world. We provide an experiential training ground and supportive community for wayshowers and facilitators.
By working outside of our current belief systems, we prepare those willing to claim their sovereignty to go into the unknown with a sense of adventure.
Our Visions
Training ground for wayshowers and facilitators
Support the awakening of the global community by providing a safe space & community community of starseeds/wayshowers within the academy
Reclaiming the ability to dream this world into being
Helping humanity to develop sovereign relationships with exo-species
Releasing the past (control systems, beliefs, programs, etc) and becoming the next level potential
Create with the inner tools rather than the outer tools
Facilitator Team
(Click image above to learn more)
“I highly recommend Lightbody.... I am an intuitive empath and I consider myself a starseed, healer and way-shower. Christina has expanded my perception of all of these aspect of myself in profound ways that have left me speechless and gushing with tears of gratitude…”
Intuitive Empath Healer, Way-Shower
"Words cannot do justice to how much my life has benefitted. I have gained more of myself. Not just an idea of myself but a real, true and strong self. My confusion and anxiety have decreased.I feel lighter and more directed. I feel excited about life."
Kaylie R.- Instructor, Intuitive